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Newly launched - Solar energy based Used Water treatment demonstrator kit using RO plant.
Newly launched - Solar Grid tied inverter Demonstrator kit 300 W.
Newly launched - Solar simulator for solar cell characteristic study - To study 'I.V' curve of a solar cell of 5 watt under variable illumination and suitable load.
Newly launched - Solar energy trainer with grouping of solar cells (series or parallel) at least six solar cells each with 2 watt panel with suitable load.
Newly launched - Computer controlled Open ECU with multi fuel (diesel & gasoline) and combustion analysis for Four stroke Two cylinder CRDI Diesel engine (Mahindra Supro model) with Eddy current dynamometer load.
Research ongoing - Replacing on diesel or petrol engine Auto TO Solar based electric Motor Auto (with the Power pack up to 130 Km in one full charge).
Research ongoing - Computer controlled Open ECU with combustion analysis for four stroke single cylinder petrol engine (Honda GX 390) with eddy current dynamometer.
Research ongoing - Computerized four stroke single cylinder variable compression ratio petrol engine (5:1 to 10:1) with eddy current dynamometer with combustion analyzer.

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